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My life is worth a waffle maker… / Minu elu väärtus võrdub vahvlimasinaga…

“And in the morning I will make waffles!” I always remember this quote from “Shrek” when I make waffles.

I make the old fashioned thin and crisp waffles. These are the best!

Homemade waffle.

I like to fill them with a mix of whipped cream and some homemade sour jam (gooseberry is the best!).

Waffle filled with a mix of whipped cream and gooseberry jam.
Waffle filled with a mix of whipped cream and gooseberry jam.

The thing with waffles is that no matter how many you make there will never be any left by the time you finish. (It takes an awful lot of time to make them with the old type waffle maker.)

By the way, my old waffle maker is worth my whole life! I got it at the time when Estonia had regained its independence and everything was changing. My parents had once opened the kind of insurance/savings account where they had made payments since I was born until the time I became of age. And those where the changing times when I became of age.

So the money my parents had saved my whole life was finally worth exactly the cost of a waffle machine. And that’s what I bought with my insurance money.

What can I say… Enjoy the moment and allow yourself something really good today!


“Ja hommikul teen mina vahvleid!” See lause multifilmist “Shrek” meenub mulle alati kui ma vahvleid teen.

Me teeme vahvleid ikka nõukaaegse vahvlirauaga ja nii valmivad eriti õhulised ja krõbedad vahvlid.

Täidiseks segan vahukoore hapukama moosiga. Tikrimoos (isetehtud!) on parim.

Vahvlitega on alati nii, et ükskõik kui suure koguse ma teen, vahvliteo lõpetamise ajaks pole ikka ühtegi alles. Need süüakse lihtsalt järjest ära!

Minu armas vahvlimasin on väärt terve minu elu! Ma ostsin selle vaid veidi enne Eesti krooni tulekut oma elukindlustuse raha eest. Vanemad olid minu sünnist saadik kuni mu täisealiseks saamiseni tolleaegse lastekindlustuse makseid teinud. Ajal, mil ma kogutud raha kätte sain, oli see väärt sama palju kui maksis see vahvlimasin…

Nii et elage tänases ja lubage endale nüüd midagi imehead!

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