Estonia · just thinking... · Uncategorized · vintage

Le Weekend. Morning math.

So I’m drinking my morning coffee in a cafe. From 9-11 a.m. it’s 2.40 EUR (about 2.73 USD). And I have a discount card, so I get it for 2.16 EUR. And I have a customer card so every 10th is for free. But that’s not all! I can read 2 major national daily newspapers… Continue reading Le Weekend. Morning math.

Etsy shop Sofaundermapletree · fashion · vintage

Thankful to all the previous owners of my clothes!

We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Estonia (obviously :), but having spent some time across the ocean and still being in contact with America in so many ways, I always think about Thanksgiving. And today I would like to thank all the people who have taken their old clothes to charity. People who have taken the… Continue reading Thankful to all the previous owners of my clothes!